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Case studies & Testimonials

For each case study there is a brief list of the themes covered with the full detail accessed by clicking on the relevant picture of the case study

Rapid, opportunity, assessment
  • Team development

    • Transparent information

    • Unified decision making

  • Quick action

  • Value insight & capture

  • Self sufficiency

Rapid opportunity assessment

Behaviours, change, culture, trust, Lead

Different behaviours

create change

  • Cultural change management

    • Building belief & trust

    • Behavioural leadership

  • Creating one integrated team

    • Everyone valued / involved

    • Empowered & trusting

Business, Turaround, Lead, Culture, Change, Trust, Team, Creative, Solution


a business

  • Business turnaround

  • Cultural change

    • Leadership & support

    • Empowered trusting teams

    • Everyone valued / involved

  • Creative solutions

"Adrian Brown assisted the British Steel Senior Management Team and I in developing and laying out the financial aspects of a strategy for the Wire Rods Business. 30% business output of the company is converted and sold through the Wire Rods business and turning a breakeven to loss making business to sustainably profitable. This work included the development, and execution deployment of capex expenditure plans of >£50m and acquisition of a business of £120m turnover on behalf of British Steel.

Adrian joining the team and took part in a structured analysis process of defining commercial opportunities, quantifying investment expenditure capex and cashflow forecasts the whole strategy. The resulting team presentation was seen as the template for other businesses in the company to follow. The careful quantification of the investment and mergers and acquisition opportunities and supporting board presentation resulted in real business change that supported the company fortunes and the ultimate attractiveness to future buyers.

Adrian’s role in this was to interpret the commercial, financial results and present them in a way that mapped the future business forecast results, including strategy assumptions and assisted in sensitivity analysis on variables such as exchange rate, market price sensitivity.

The ability to communicate with the various business senior managers , join in the various strategic build activities and contributions were always timely, considered and professionally structured."

Richard Sims,


Regain, sight, vision, trust, team


your sight

  • Unified team

    • Vision painted

    • Transparent information

    • Decision making tools

    • Empowered trusted teams

    • Everyone valued/involved

Flow, Trust, Team,Customer, focus, Lead, Vision

The value of

frictionless flow

  • Customer focussed

  • Empowered trusting teams

    • Leadership vision/support

    • Behavioural integrity

    • Team alignment/training

  • Creative solutions

Inspire, change, value, involve, improve

Inspiring people

whilst rightsizing

  • Change management

  • Everyone valued / involved

  • Cared for all individuals

  • Inspired in difficult situation

  • Performance improvement

“Aim for a genuine Wealth Manager who has your best interest! Adrian Brown is a rare breed. His authenticity, transparency and code of conduct are not common to come by in this type of business where most advisors are just in it for a numbers game vs giving you a policy that will truly benefit your needs. His genuine nature may not be common, but his expertise and guidance is not to be underestimated when it comes to his knowledge in accounting and the investment world. Just after one meeting, I transferred my policy over to Adrian because the first advisor I started with had an out of sight, out of mind work ethic. Adrian identified the opportunities of how my policy was set up and sent me detailed feedback I could actually understand along with various future options. When I call, he picks up the phone and he never hesitates to meet with me and answer my questions honestly and truthfully so I'm well educated and informed. That is the key in this business, the trust factor, I don't doubt for a moment his main objective is what is best for his clients. This industry need's more Adrians!”

Ariana da Silva,


Optimism, Inspire, culture, change



  • Inspiring others

    • Giving hope

    • Engendering belief

  • Managing cultural change

  • Adaptability

See, Value, Trust, Team, Decision, transparent



  • Trusting teams

  • Transparent information

    • Unified decision making

    • Shared footprint vision

    • Creative solutions

  • Value creation

Trust, Team, empower, Decision, Creative, Solution

Finding the art

of the possible

  • Empowered trusting teams

    • Transparent information

    • Everyone valued/involved

    • Unified decision making

    • Enabled proactivity

  • Creative solutions

“I can thoroughly recommend Adrian not only for his undoubted financial skills, but also because he really does try to appreciate and understand the processes he is accounting for. This for me is a key differentiator in a Finance Director - this trait gives greater depth to Leadership discussions and decision making and really helps in developing good team relationships .
Adrian is a great person to work with , he invests himself in his work, knows what he's doing and produces work of a very high standard.”

Sean Lyons,

Managing Director

“I worked with Adrian for 2 years on a business transformation project to redesign our S&OP processes across Tata Steel Europe. Adrian played a leading role in that project, representing the needs of the Long Products business and also as a member of the project management team. Adrian is an expert in S&OP processes and can be relied upon to deliver results at all levels of the organisation.”

Laura Baker,

Project Manager

"I’ve known Adrian since the early 2000’s and was the HR Director of the Rail and Sections Business where Adrian was the Finance Manager. Adrian is a very credible and capable finance lead, he demonstrated significant business acumen and was widely respected by peers and Senior Colleagues. He was always considered an outstanding talent in the Tata Steel organisation and has continued to develop his leadership skill set. He has a considered and mature style that inspires confidence. I wish him all the very best in his new endeavour."

Martin Driscoll,

HR Director

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